Working Towards a Brighter Future
At Tree of Peace Friendship Centre we’re raising funds and promoting initiatives to serve the people who need them most. We believe in taking action with urgency in order to raise public awareness about some of the most pressing issues facing today’s society. Please join us by supporting our efforts to make a measurable difference in the lives of others. The Tree of Peace Friendship Centre, a true manifestation of its’ name, is indeed a Centre for youth and Elders, knowing no bounds of race or creed, embracing all who are in need as well as those who want to give.

years ago, a
great Tree of Peace
was planted uniting the
Mohawks, Cayugas, Oneidas,
Onondagas, and Senecas in a strong
confederacy. Through the eyes of an Eagle
perched on top of the Tree, much of creation could
be seen. At the base of the Tree were four roots of Peace
which went to the four winds so that all people of the earth
could grasp
them and
trace them
back to the source, there to find Peace.
Making A Difference

Mission Statement
To improve the quality of life for aboriginal people in the communities of Yellowknife, Dettah and Ndilo by facilitating self-determination, social, health, education, economic and cultural activities which respect the aboriginal people’s cultural distinctiveness.
The encouragement of cross-cultural understanding and awareness between Dene, Metis, Inuvialuit, and non-aboriginals.
To support and assist the development of individual learning, community groups, training programs, education courses, alcohol and drug awareness and recreational/cultural programs.
To encourage self-reliance, independence and responsibility through programs in response to community needs.
During the 50 years The Tree of Peace Friendship Centre has been in existence, we have had some form of education, recreation, culture and employment programs. The Employment area of the program exists to create in, Aboriginal People, an awareness of programs and services offered in the areas of employment and education.
We offer clients: Individual employment assistance such as resume formation, job search techniques and interview skills.
The Education area of the program exists to promote the upgrading and training of Aboriginal people. We assist students in determining what education level he/she has achieved and what upgrading and/or training is necessary to attain their goals.
The Recreation/Cultural area of the program involves Annual Elder`s Feasts, the annual Talent Show and Dance, weekly bingos and occasional educational cultural camps.
5011 51 Street, PO Box 2667
Yellowknife, NT X1A-2P9 Canada
Phone: (867) 873-2864
Fax: (867) 873-5185
Alcohol & Drug Counselling: cwm@ttopfc.com
Employment and Resumes: cultureandemployment@ttopfc.com
Aboriginal Youth Worker: upip@ttopfc.com
Boardroom Rental: Please Call (867) 873-2864 and ask for Joe.